Creating projects in isEazy Author is very simple. You just have to click on the button in the environment where you want to save it.
If you want to convert a Power Point into an interactive course, see in this article how easy it is to import it.
1 Choose the type of course
When you create a new course you will be able to choose between a Classic course or Express one.
So, what is the difference? Let us tell you:
- Classic course: for longer contents, over 20 slides. The type of browsing is a classic one and has an index. This type of course can be 300 slides long maximum.
- Express course: for shorter and more agile contents. In this type of project the maximum number of slides is 20 and the type of browsing is vertical, just like a web page.
2 Choose a template
Once you have selected the type of course you need to create, it is time to choose the template which best matches your needs. So, when you select it, it will be associated with your project in a way that every new slide will have that same style.
In isEazy Author we want the content of your courses to be the most important thing, that is why, for its design not to become a headache, we offer a great variety of templates as a style reference.
After selecting the type of course you will create, you will find a list of templates with a descriptive name and an image representing its style.
Don’t worry about the exact colors in a style when selecting it because with Smart Colors you will be able to customize them as you like.
You may find more academic templates for corporate courses or formal education as well as more cheerful and youthful ones for lighter ones.
This way, when you select a template, it will be associated with your project and every new slide you add to it will have that same style.
Moreover, we are always working on new templates to increase variety, but if you still are unable to find the one you need, you may contact us so that we can tailor a template for you.
Besides that, you may create your own corporate templates as well with the Enterprise account. You will have the chance of creating your own templates in accordance with your corporate colors and customized palettes. If you want to have more information on this matter, please, contact us.
3 Choose the colors for you template
Smart Colors make all our templates colors customizable. Choose the palette that you like the most and start editing your content.
Our team of designers has prepared a selection of palettes for you that combine perfectly and make the most out of the templates. Moreover, if you have a Business or Enterprise account, you can create your own customized palettes with your corporate colors.
And if later on you wish to change the palette or adjust any color, you will be able to without any problem: all of your content will adjust to the colors of the new palette.