Organizing your projects and collaborators using environments with isEazy Author is very easy. You can manage your environments from the Work Environments tab, in the Management Area.
From this tab you can view the list of work environments you have, how many projects each one contains and how many collaborators have access. You can also add as many environments as you want and access the configuration of each one of them.
You can also download the list of environments in .xlsx format with the “export to excel” button.
Create a new environment
To create a new environment, press the “add new environment” button. You will access the configuration of your new environment: give it a name, assign it a color, and press the “apply changes” button.
Authors with access
This list allows you to decide which of your organization’s collaborators has access to each environment. You can add and remove collaborators' access to an environment whenever you like, but a collaborator must have access to at least one environment that may exist in your organization.
To give new users access, you must go to the Team Management menu, select the environment you want a new collaborator to access and share the generated link. This process is detailed in this article.
Delete environment
You can delete an environment from the last section of this environment view. An environment cannot be deleted unless it contains no projects. If it did, you would have to move them to another environment from the project tab or delete them to consolidate the deletion. In addition, you will see a message telling you that the assigned collaborators will not lose access if you confirm the deletion. In short, if you delete an environment assigned to a collaborator, that collaborator still belongs to the account. If you want to delete the collaborator, you must do it directly from the collaborators list. You can find more information in this article.