In this exercise students will have to put the answers in the right order. They can click on the arrows to move the answers up or down.
This is an auto-training exercise so that your students can enhance their learning. Once they complete the exercise, students can repeat it as many times as they like.
If the answers are placed in the right order, a green check mark will be displayed on the right of each one.
Once the exercise is done, a window will be shown with the number of correct answers on the first attempt.
Configuration of Arrange Exercise
You have the usual personalization options:
- Color: Choose one of the colors from the palette and set the opacity. In addition, you can choose any other color using the customized color configurator.
- Gradient: Choose one of the gradients on the palette and set the opacity and the angle. In addition, you can choose any other gradient using the customized gradient configurator.
- Image: If you decide to use an image as the background, you will have the same configuration options as in the image element. See the related article for more information.
You can add text as a title or introductory text to appear on the cover of the exercise.
Add a question here or a brief statement providing instrictions on how to arrange the answers.
Statement image
You can add an image or color to go with your statement. You have the usual personalization options:
- Color: Choose one of the colors from the palette and set the opacity. In addition, you can choose any other color using the customized color configurator.
- Gradient: Choose one of the gradients on the palette and set the opacity and the angle. In addition, you can choose any other gradient using the customized gradient configurator.
- Image: If you decide to use an image as the background, you will have the same configuration options as in the image element. See the related article for more information.
Click the + button to create new answers for your list. Make sure your answers are in the right order. You may move them by clicking on the button and dragging them to the right position.
In regards of the size, this interactive element takes up in the cell it can behave in two ways:
- Direct implementation: When you click on the exercise’s cover icon, it starts on that same cell.
- Launcher: If the cell where the exercise is, is too small to complete the exercise comfortably, the launcher will open. This means that after clicking the cove icon, the exercise will stretch until it fills the whole slide. The user will be able to return the exercise to its original size by clicking on the cross which appears after expanding.
In responsive mode, the cards in each group will be stacked in columns. As they are correctly matched, the card pairs will disappear, the only visible ones will be the ones left to match.
This exercise has a different behavior on mobile devices or very small sizes, to improve the usability of the exercise. The main difference lies in the way it will be displayed.
In responsive mode (mobile) it always behaves in launcher mode to provide a more comfortable and immersive experience, regardless of how it behaves in its non-responsive version.
Editing the Arrange Exercise in accessible mode
- Add an alternative text and a long description if it is relevant to your cover image in the Arrange Exercise.
- You can assign a title by choosing from the different headings, so that your students can identify the exercise. Try not to repeat this title in the project section.
- Add an alternative text and a long description if it is relevant to the accompanying images for each statement.
- Finally, please note that, as with other elements, the accessible mode does not have animations.
See an example of the "Arrange Exercise" in Accessibility mode.