xAPI is a communication standard for eLearning. It is based on the registration of learning actions or statements under the scheme "subject, verb, object" in a LRS (Learning Record Store).
This communication standard solves SCORM's own limitations by offering a much more open communication API.
In isEazy the xAPI distribution works with Tincan packaging for integration into any compatible LMS.
To know more about this specification you can check the following url: https://github.com/RusticiSoftware/launch/blob/master/lms_lrs.md
Trace log
As it is a very open standard in terms of communications, it is important to define a tracking that the course will carry out for a successful integration.
The courses created with isEazy Author report the following traces (statements):
initialized: when starting the course for the first time
- objectId: course id
attempted: at the beginning of the course every time you enter it
- objectId: course id
experienced: when completing a slide
- objectId: slide id
progress: as progress goes further
- objectId: course id
- description: progress
- result: duration
attempted: commenting on the evaluation every time you make an attempt
- objectId: course id + "/ assessment"
answered: when solving the evaluation, one for each question answered
- objectId: course id + “/ assessment” + question id
- result: success and response
- object:
- definition:
- description: question statement
- type: interactions
- correctResponsesPattern
- choices
- interactionType
passed: when passing an assessment
- objectId: course id and course id + "/ assessment"
- result:
- score
- completion true
- success true
failed: when failing an assessment
- objectId: course id and course id + "/ assessment"
- result:
- score
- completion true
- success false
completed: upon 100% completion of the course
- objectId: course id
- result:
- completion true
- duration
- success and score (if it has evaluation)
To save the students’ answers in the evaluation we send all the answered statements with the responses in a single call (batch statement). In this way we guarantee the integrity of the data.