You can attach content to your course thanks to the Download element.
To configure it click on the + button and select your file in the emerging window. You can use any type of content, although we recommend compressing your files into a .zip.
To finish configuring your link you only have to introduce a title and configure the background of the element using a color or an image. All the options and filters that you see on the image resource can also be applied to the background.
To relate external content you can also use the Download element or the Embed element. View the related articles for more information.
You may add files with any of the following extensions: jpg, jpeg, png, gif, ico, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, pps, ppsx, odt, xls, xlsx, psd, mp3, m4a, ogg, wav, mp4, m4v, mov, wmv, avi, mpg, ogv, gp, g2, bmp, tif, tiff, asf, asx, wm, wmx, divx, flv, qt, mpe, webm, mkv, txt, asc, c, cc, h, csv, tsv, ics, rtx, m4b, ra, ram, mid, midi, wax, mka, rtf, swf, tar, zip, gz, gzip, rar, z, pot, wri, xla, xlt, xlw, mdb, mpp, docm, dotx, dotm, xlsm, xlsb, xltx, xltm, xlam, pptm, ppsm, potx, potm, ppam, sldx, sldm, onetoc, onetoc2, onetmp, onepkg, odp, ods, odg, odc, odb, odf.
EXE files are not supported due to their high risk of containing malicious code. If you need to reference an .EXE file you can use the Link element.
Editing Download in accessible mode
- Add a descriptive title to your Download element that is not repeated in the project section.
- If you add a non-decorative background image to your Download element, you will also be able to add an alternative text and a long description.
Please note that if you are setting up the download of an external document, it is recommended that its content is accessible, even if it is external to isEazy.