The navigation mode will pinpoint the student the order we want the course to be visualized and the obligatory nature of the elements that are inside the slide.
The navigation mode of our course is configured in Configuration, in Course navigation section.
There are two navigation modes: free and sequential:
This navigation mode will allow the student to take the course in the order that they want.
This navigation mode does not force the student to complete the elements within a slide. Accessing it is enough to consider it completed.
Sequential navigation is only available in Professional, Business and Enterprise plans.
First of all, it's important to know that in Preview the course will always be displayed in free mode navigation.
This navigation mode forces the user to complete all the interactive elements of the slide (except links and embed) to be able to move forward. To do this, the user must interact with all the elements of the slide and see all the content. Audiovisual elements such as audios and videos will require an 80% visualization to be considered as completed.
If the user tries to access the blocked content either by clicking on the continue button or in the index or through a URL, a pop-up window will appear explaining what must be done to be able to continue:
The final evaluation will not be accessible until the user has completed all the slides.
Browsing considerations for the course
In Express courses modifying the type of course browsing is not allowed. You’ll see that it doesn’t appear in the project file for its configuration. This is due to the fact that Express courses are designed to be streamlined and rapidly consumed, so sequential browsing does not have a valid format for this type of content. In Express courses, a vertical type of browsing will be defined at all times.
Accessible Mode Navigation
If your project is set to Accessible Mode, when the user / learner activates the accessible experience, blocks are removed to give a better user experience.