There are two course types in isEazy: Classic and Express.
In every isEazy Author course you may find the progress indicator in the upper right corner next to the close button which takes you to the Course Fact Sheet.
Classic Courses
In the Classic Courses the content is organized in sections and subsections. You may go forward or backwards to previous slides with the lower right or left corner buttons. Navigation is horizontal.
In the Classic courses you may find the Contents Index in the upper left corner, next to the logotype. When you click on it, the index with the sections of the course drops down. The completeness status is indicated by a green dot if it is ‘completed’, yellow for ‘ongoing’ or a lock if it is ‘pending’.
Sequential Navigation
The lock, as the image shows, indicates that all the content in the slide needs to be visualized in order to move on. Everytime there is a blinking button, it means it needs to be clicked on to discover more information.
Some courses might have voice-over. If it autoplays as you enter the slide, you may stop it. Otherwise, play must be clicked on. Bear in mind that there might be other interactive elements on the slide too.
Express Courses
In the Express Courses navigation is vertical. The scroll bar allows you to move downwards and upwards, to go over previous content.