Let us present isEazy Author Academy: our new free online training platform where you may find training to become the best e-learning content creator.
It is an online learning environment where you will find the best tutorials to create amazing courses with isEazy Atuhor and will be able to discover all the possibilities that we offer. You will learn how to make the most out of our authoring tool and learn about the most pedagogical aspects of all the features.
The best part is that we will regularly release new courses that will help you to understand the tool better with examples, videos as well as tutorials about how and when to use interactive elements, design advice, tips… and much more!
To self-register, please, follow any of these links:
ACADEMY - Courses in Spanish Free registration
ACADEMY - Courses in English Free registration
Just add your name, surname, and email. These login details will be the ones you will be using to access isEazy Author Academy from now on.
All the knowledge you gain in isEazy Author Academy will help you create projects and distribute courses successfully.
Moreover, you will be able to get certificates of achievement with the courses you complete: they are QR-code verifiable and downloadable.
isEazy Author Academy has just opened. This is just the beginning.