In isEazy Author the Artificial Intelligence service is managed through our Eazy Credits. With these credits you can use the different AI functionalities.
All accounts have an initial pack of Eazy Credits, so you can try the new AI services for free. These credits are shared by all users of the account.
There are some differences in the management and display of your Eazy Credits, according to the terms and conditions of your plan.
Features / Services
AI-enabled features are marked with specific buttons and, depending on your account and your role as a collaborator, before using them you will be able to see the amount of credits that will be deducted from your account or the magic wand for AI subscriptions:
My credits
According to your isEazy Author account and the role you have in it, you will be able to see your credits in the top menu as follows.
With the account owner role you could see the amount of credits you have accumulated and the gear icon to manage them:
If you have an IA Subscription, you will see the symbol of a battery, like the one on a smartphone, which will run down as you use your Eazy Credits — it will look like a descending staircase. The owner will also be able to enter the Management area by clicking on the gear icon:
If you are an account collaborator, you will be able to see the status of your credits, even if you cannot access the Management area:
In Enterprise accounts you have advanced role management, which allows you to assign your team members the role of “editor lite”: they cannot use or view AI functionalities.
Eazy Credits management
Only the account owner can access the AI Credits management details. This can be done in two ways: from the top menu by clicking on the gear icon or from the account Management area.
According to your account you might see this cover:
At the top of the AI subscriptions area, you will find an overview of the AI usage in your account. How many credits are still available and how many times each feature has been used.
According to your account, you will be able to see the amount of credits in this way:
A little further down, you will see a detailed list of how your credits have been used: author, project, date, functionality and amount of Eazy Credits used.
How to buy Eazy Credits
According to the terms and conditions of your account, you can buy Eazy Credits in two different ways.
- For online accounts, where you pay your subscription by credit card, the AI functionalities are handled through Credit Packs, which you can purchase through our Help Centre.
If you are interested you can contact us at:
- For our clients with offline accounts, who have a personal Key Account Manager (KAM) assigned to them, the AI system is based on AI Subscriptions.
You can ask your account manager to explain our offer to you and advise you on the type of subscription you need.
How can I get Eazy Credits for free?
You can make your life easier and get more credits by writing reviews or recommending us to a friend.
Contact us for more information, at